Brillante Mendoza

Coco Martin: The Prince Who Would Be King

Coco Martin: The Prince Who Would Be King

What do Coco Martin and Rita Gabriola, better known as Badjao Girl, have in common? They were both discovered at random. And while it may be too early to tell what Rita's stars have in store for her, Rita can draw inspiration from Coco (and others like him) who has gone leagues from waiting tables at…
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Brillante Mendoza: Dark and Brilliant Truths

Brillante Mendoza: Dark and Brilliant Truths

This May, two sure-t0-be blockbuster superhero movies power through our cinemas, quickly bumping off the little known or heard of Sinag Maynila with a big "Kapow!" Sinag Maynila is an independent film festival that features prolific and up and coming directors and casts who use the medium to depict relevant national issues How many cinema goers will be transfixed by in-your-face…
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