Blues and greens series: Jewelry collection takes inspiration from ad hoc works of art

The word “opus” evokes a work of art, a masterpiece. “Incertum,” in ancient Rome, means uncertain. The Romans used the term “opus incertum” as a construction method mainly for building roads. It means that the pattern will be adapted according to the availability of the stones. In other words, the pattern is as unpredictable as life itself.

It is in the interplay of these inspirations that Sassi Fine Jewellery gives birth to its newest collection of modern, eye-catching jewelry pieces that appeal to the young and young at heart.

“We consider each life an opus incertum, a work of art, a masterpiece, composed of unpredictable stones. There are stepping stones on our life path, ready to help us cross a river, move in a new direction. We will reach milestones: a diploma, a marriage, the birth of our child, a professional success or an academic achievement. Sometimes we become rolling stones– we change places, we move freely into the world and come to rest in another place,” says Renilde Vervoorth, founder and creative director of the brand.

All these stones are linked together and form a unique and individual path. As art mirrors life, so is Sassi’s Opus Incertum collection. Each life is a unique road composed of different stones, which “results in a masterpiece,” adds Renilde.

Choice colors and gemstones

Life starts in water. And once we’re born, the first thing we need is oxygen. Without air and water, we simply can’t survive. To symbolize this, Renilde chose different shades of blue and green to mirror water and air, respectively. Green, she says, represents air or oxygen, which plants readily produce to allow animals, including humans, to survive and thrive.

“We went through great lengths to find the perfect colors and combinations, ranging from midnight blue over turquoise to blue-green to intense green,” Renilde shares. “We paired and layered natural gemstones such as blue agate, green turquoise, green-blue chalcedony, lapis lazuli, turquoise, green agate, phrenite, chrysophase and crystal quartz, to obtain an abundance of colors and unexpected hues.”

The domes are irregularly facetted from both sides, as a reminder of the ad hoc quality of the opus incertum roads. Gazing into the blue gems is like looking into a crystal-clear lake or a mesmerizing sea. While the greens evoke a lush tropical forest, displaying all the different shades of green.

The Florentine finish

Sassi’s artisans hand-engraved the gold to obtain a Florentine finish, a centuries-old technique rarely seen in jewelry today. For one, the gems are set in warm yellow 18k gold links. The top of the links are polished, while the sides have received the Florentine finish. The light penetrates and illuminates the etched metal, radiating a warm glow. The subtle alternations between the Florentine finish of the sides of the links and the polished yellow gold at the top all add a refined touch of luxury.

The jewels

Currently, says Renilde, the Opus Incertum series has four pieces in the collection: a necklace, bracelet, ring and earrings.

The Opus Incertum (47 cm, 18k yellow gold) necklace alternates open gold links with 12 gemstones of seven hues ranging from “cool blues” to “splendid greens.” Since the clasp is hidden, the necklace can be admired from all sides, while the gems can complement the wearer’s outfit.

Seven gemstones are set in the bracelet (17 cm or 18.5 cm), where open links alternate with gems in a double row as a pathway.

The ring consists actually of three rings, two rings have two gems each and one ring has three gemstones. The rings can be combined in many different ways, stacked, lined up, worn separately.

The earrings have two gems, in this case, a green turquoise and a blue turquoise with crystal quartz. The earrings can be ordered in different colors as preferred.

Jul B. Dizon is the exclusive representative and distributor of Sassi Fine Jewellery in the Philippines.