Such was the lure of the Fountain of Youth that European explorer Juan Ponce de Leon sailed off to the New World in the 16th century in search of it. Alas, his search, which led him all the way to Florida, proved futile.
But that search didn’t die with him. People’s quest for the elusive elixir of youth, beauty and good health continues to this day. Although it doesn’t promise its users eternal life, Aivee Water could be the next best thing to the Fountain of Youth.
A product of Japanese technology, the Aivee Water promises to convert ordinary drinking water into hydrogen, which could easily enter the body’s cells to fight off free radicals known to hasten aging and lead to a host of diseases—from cancer to diabetes, Parkinson’s to Alzheimer’s. Apart from promoting hydration, hydrogen water has also been attributed by many of its users for their glowing skin.
Think of Aivee Water as a 500-mg thermos jug that you fill with either distilled or mineral water. Press the switch at the bottom of the base once and it lights up. Press it again and, presto, the Aivee Water starts brewing ordinary water into its hydrogen version.
“All it takes is five minutes to complete the entire process,” says Ann Tirona, PR manager of the Aivee Group. “You can use any kind of water as long as it’s clean and not sparkling water.”
At P15,000 per unit, each Aivee Water comes with a charger and a small bottle of citric acid, which you could use sparingly every two weeks or so to clean the bottle’s base. Unlike similar products offered by competitors, says Tirona, the Aivee Water is the “most potent of its kind in the market today.”
“It is capable of converting ordinary water into 900 parts per billion of hydrogen compound. Others could only pro

mise up to 300 to 600 parts per billion,” she claims.
Beauty Drs. Z and Aivee Teo, the couple behind the Aivee Group of Clinics, have been drinking hydrogen water for quite some time now. Since they’ve chosen a more holistic thrust in their practice, which includes “beauty that comes from within,” the two have also been advocating healthy living among their clients. They also wanted them to benefit from hydrogen water’s health-giving properties.
Since drinking hydrogen water is big in Japan, the couple went there to find the ideal partner. They found one last year. Aivee Water, which is manufactured in Korea based purely on Japanese technology, was introduced quietly to a select group of people before it was formally launched to the public last January 31.
Because of its volatile and ephemeral nature, hydrogen water should be consumed within four to five hours after brewing. Although you can turn hydrogen water into ice cubes to prolong its shelf life, says Tirona, it’s not advisable to use it for cooking. Heat would instantly negate its health-giving properties, turning hydrogen water into ordinary water.—Alex Y. Vergara
(Aivee Water is available at all Aivee Clinics and at the A Institute. For orders outside Metro Manila and the Philippines, log on to aivee.ph.)