Described by Dr. Kaycee Reyes as a “doctor’s dream,” Exion also combines the power of ultrasound and radio frequency to help a patient in his or her quest for beauty that addresses not only the face, but also the upper arms, tummy and a woman’s intimate areas down there.

Text and photos by Alex Y. Vergara
There’s no stopping artificial intelligence (AI) in making its presence felt in our everyday lives. The latest area to become part of AI’s growing realm is beauty, and the Luminisce chain of beauty clinics is one of its earliest adapters through its newly acquired Exion machines.
Unlike previous machines of its kind, Exion also combines the power of ultrasound and radio frequency (RF) to help a patient in his or her quest for beauty that addresses not only the face, but also the upper arms, tummy and a woman’s intimate areas down there.
In a recent launch at Tio Pepe’s in Molito, one of the country’s leading beauty doctors and the woman behind Luminisce, Dr. Kaycee Reyes, says, “The Exion is like Ulthera and Thermage rolled into one.”
To the unintiated, Ulthera derives its power to improve the skin and firm up sagging muscles from ultrasound, while Thermage gets its power from RF. With Exion, patients can now benefit from two modalities with just one machine. But what really sets Exion apart from the rest is its AI component, which, according to Reyes, minimizes if not eliminates any room for error that could result in burns and skin pigmentation.
“Exion is a doctor’s dream,” she says. “It can do everything, from improving the skin’s texture, diminishing the appearance of wrinkles, scars and enlarged pores. It can tighten facial muscles through RF technology, while removing fat and promoting hyaluronic acid formation.”
Hyaluronic acid, which is naturally produced by the body, helps with soft tissue growth. In turn, soft tissue growth enables the body to make more collagen and elastin, two building blocks that keep the skin moisturized, preventing tightness, boosting elasticity and reducing the chances of scarring.
And thanks to AI, adds Reyes, patients feel almost no pain and discomfort during and after treatment because Exion can self-adjust the depth of its penetration unlike older machines. Like most lunchtime procedures, it also doesn’t have any downtime.
“The patient’s skin will show some redness after the treatment, which will subside and disappear after four hours or so,” says Reyes. “Yes, you can attend an event in the evening, but you would have to skip wearing makeup because of Exion’s microneedling action related to RF.”
BTL, the company which produces Exion and older machines like Emface, Emsculpt and Exilis, is one of the leading providers of aesthetic machines and modalities in the United States. The technology behind Exion originated and was perfected in Europe.
Despite its reliance on AI, says Reyes, Exion doesn’t eliminate the need for a well-trained doctor. “You just can’t leave everything to AI. You also must know, for instance, the patient’s standards and expectations. And since patients are individuals, only a doctor, not AI, can combine the treatment with other treatments to maximize Exion’s effects and address the patient’s other concerns and needs, including questions on downtime and post-treatment care.”

After all, the pursuit of beauty, Reyes adds, is an art and a science that only a good doctor has the knowledge and wherewithal to combine. Since each patient is different, the Exion’s effects also vary from person to person. But for a typical patient to see visible and more lasting results, he or she must undergo three to four sessions within a year with at least a 14-day interval between each session.
“Those who want to achieve a V-shaped face, which is so popular these days, it’s enough to go through several Exion treatments,” says Reyes. “But for other concerns like icepick scarring, the doctor can combine several sessions of Exion treatments with other treatments to achieve maximum results.”
When it comes to sensitive procedures like vaginal tightening, for instance, which Exion can also address, a patient needs a doctor she can trust and is comfortable with.
“Exion eliminates the need for invasive surgery as it tightens the vagina both inside and outside,” Reyes informs. “Exion can do all of these because the machine comes with different handpieces depending on the area to be treated.”
Yes, the Exion can go all the way down there without the downtime and complications associated with conventional surgical “flower arrangement,” as Reyes puts it. She certainly isn’t kidding when she likens Exion, an all-in-one machine equipped with AI and powered by ultrasound and RF, as a doctor’s dream.
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