Titled, “On the Wings of Song,” the shows pay tribute to Jose Mari Chan’s 55 years of musical journey as a prolific songwriter and composer whose hit compositions enriched Philippine pop music.
The Philippine Ballet Theatre (PBT), a resident company of the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP), returns to the US for a series of shows starting with a gala performance at the iconic Plaza Hotel Ballroom in New York on Oct. 17, 2022 at 6 p.m. upon the invitation of the Hiraya Foundation Inc.
Another show is scheduled for the next day at the Kalayaan Hall of the Philippine Consulate in New York at 6:30 pm; and finally, on Oct. 30, 2022 at the Wilshire Ebell Theater in Los Angeles, California.
Titled, “On the Wings of Song,” the shows pay tribute to singer-songwriter Jose Mari Chan’s 55 years of musical journey as a prolific songwriter and composer whose hit compositions enriched Philippine pop music with songs that hold a sentimental and special place in Filipinos’ hearts. Sponsored by the Philippine Consulate in New York, Hiraya Foundation Inc. in partnership with CCP and Sentro Rizal, PBT will also perform “Serye at Sayaw,” which was first staged in its successful US tour in 2019.
Other major sponsors include SMC Foundation Inc., Philippine Airlines, Sayaw Foundation, Carmen’s Best, Nena Ortoll and Menchu Concepcion. Plans are underway for its 2023 US Tour scheduled in October, which will see PBT touring Washington D.C., Virginia Beach, Portland Oregon, Fort Lauderdale, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle and Orange County. Founded in 1987 and known for its world-class artistry, grace and technique, PBT is committed to proudly showcasing Filipino homegrown talents through the art of classical and contemporary ballet before local and international audiences.