From broken eyeglasses to expired contact lenses, all the way down to contact lens solutions that have probably run out in the past two months, there are more challenges than what meet the eye for those who do not exactly have 20/20 vision – especially in the time of COVID-19. And with physical eyewear stores still closed in most parts of the country, some are probably thinking that squinting to the new normal is the only option.

Luckily, quarantine season can be ‘easy on the eyes’ with this eyewear delivery service.
Ideal Vision Center has launched, an online platform that provides optical and retail solution for eye care needs. There, one can shop online for his/her favorite or prescribed contact lens and contact lens solutions or eyewear; and have the items delivered straight to his/her home. Single vision eyeglasses are also being introduced.

Customers will simply have to choose their product/s of choice, upload a photo of their doctor’s official lens prescription, pay online, and the eyewear (with prescribed lenses) will be delivered to them in two to four days. Specific contact lens requirements and grading needs may also be addressed by sending direct messages on Ideal Vision Center’s Facebook or Instagram accounts.

To order, one simply has to go to and register by providing basic information. Online customers will also get Ideal Vision Center’s digital VIP Card, which will be emailed shortly after registration. The VIP Card unlocks a wide array of discounts and freebies for Ideal Vision customers.
Now that’s ideal eye care, without having to go physical!