Where do we go from here? Something healthier and more hopeful, we’d like to think.
Ton Concepcion, president of Concepcion Durables Inc.

“I’m looking forward to a better economy in 2021. But to be honest, I hope that I continue to build on the blessings of 2020 such as the unprecedented love and closeness I’ve experienced while bonding with family and friends.
I’m also grateful for the time I have saved from traffic because of working from home that I calculated to have added 60 days to my life so far! The realization that life is so short and can change at any moment so one must pursue their dreams now with no fear. The constant daily awareness of being grateful for every blessing big or small. And knowing that true joy, meaning and purpose come from connecting with a higher being and helping others to make our country a better place.”
Janeena Chan, TV Host

“I look forward to the coming new year, embracing the changes that we’ve grown to accept and adapt to, and living life with a sense of ‘rebirth.’
I believe we’ve all been tested thoroughly this 2020, yet here we stand. Hopefully we’ve learned to discern what’s truly important in life, given what we’ve been challenged with as a human race, as a society and as individuals. Looking ahead, I hold onto not simply a fresh beginning, but a truly transformative one—based on balanced priorities, driven by real purpose, with extra caution and care towards ourselves and each other.”
Kelly Misa, Model

“There have been many lessons learned from 2020 and I hope these stick, so our 2021 can be better. I look forward to the return of normalcy—to be able to go out of the house and do regular things without having to worry; to be able to travel for leisure and be able to let loose and relax. I want to breathe easy knowing my family and friends will be safe and healthy. I wish 2021 to be the opposite of what 2020 has been. I’ll be praying for that!”
Dr. Aivee Teo, Medical director of The Aivee Group

“Necessity, they say, is the mother of invention, and we saw how the need to innovate and adapt gave us new beginnings. We learned to appreciate little things that truly matter like family and friends. Our faith in the Lord grew. Despite all of these experiences, the year 2020 taught us how to appreciate all the blessings we have been taking for granted. As we get ready to bid farewell to 2020, we brace ourselves to be prepared to face a new 2021 with utmost positivity and a heart full of hope.
I am looking forward to a better 2021 by spreading positivity, love and appreciation for our loved ones. Together, let’s look forward to a beautiful and brighter year.”
JC Buendia, fashion designer

“In 2021, I’m looking forward to a better balance between personal life and career. The year 2020 has stripped us to the basics, and everything that will come after will be such a treat. It has made us value family, friendship and work even more.”
Mark Chester Ang, Photographer/Youtuber

“I look forward to a time when we are able to travel once more without the fear of getting sick.”
David Guison, Content creator

“I look forward to the day we no longer need to wear a mask and distance ourselves from people — to be able to hug and hang out with family and friends. Really, it’s just the simple things.”
Eric Pineda, costume and fashion designer

“I will look back at 2020 as a bleep in my timeline. On a personal note, I’m looking forward to reopening my shop in 2021, though I may have to retire some of my key staffers who are already senior citizens. Without a vaccine, it’s simply too risky for many of them to continue being exposed to an unseen, but still deadly virus.
The coming year should be a time to move on with our lives, albeit wiser, kinder and more cautious. Lastly, I’d like to hug friends and family without fear.”
Emmeline Aglipay-Villar, Justice Undersecretary

“I’m looking forward to that monumental, collective, but sweet sigh of relief when COVID-19 is finally a thing of the past. Whether this can be achieved by 2021 is uncertain. Although I’m looking forward to a time when we can all travel the world without fear and frustration, or when we can watch a movie inside a theater without anxiety and paranoia, or when we can enjoy a concert together with tens of thousands of people—I’m okay with not being able to have these. I’m happy and simply grateful for everything I have right now.
Slowly, but surely, by 2021, I hope that those who have been troubled and suffering this 2020 because of COVID-19 would be relieved of their pains, worries and burdens.”
Jeffrey Tarayao, President of One Meralco Foundation Inc.

“I look forward to life-giving connections that can never be replaced: visiting family and enjoying the fiesta in our provinces, listening to local leaders from remote communities and energizing them, traveling to the US, Italy and Spain for a much needed re-charge, and of course, resuming quality bonding moments with my dearest friends in Poblacion.”
Jackie Aquino, fashion show director and president of JCA Productions

“I’m looking forward to stability that will allow everyone to practice their craft again and be allowed to earn much-needed income in 2021. All we need to follow are the safety protocols in place and common sense that will give us the space to be able to help jumpstart our respective businesses and the economy.”