The Ultimate Life Hacks


Multi-billion dollar mogul Sir Richard Branson was recently quoted that these days, “the greatest luxury is time.”

Everyday stress continues to pile up, and many times, this so-called “stress” is self-imposed by people who desire more and more out of life. The question is: have you been living a life of quality and not just quantity?

Here are some hacks to help you add more hours for contentment, peace of mind, and prolonged happiness:

1) Unplug to revive

Offline is the new luxury. Like a healthy diet to do your body good, make it a daily habit to allot ab hour (increasing with time) to stay away from your phone or computer to bring back balance and sanity.


(Relearn that there are more important things than fast-paced living at the Kandaya Resort in Cebu)

2) Let go or be dragged

The only way for good things to make room in your life, you must decide to let go of what is dragging you down: be it your work space, your home or your heart.

3) Give to gain

As counter-productive as it may sound, studies have proven that people who share their blessings with others, live a more meaningful life. Be it time, charity work or small acts of kindness, you have the power to be the reason for someone else’s joy.

4) Slow down to move forward

Chew slowly. Smell the flowers. Go outside and breathe in with all you got. Be aware of how well (and not how fast) you live day by day.

06. Grand Presidential Suite - Plunge Pool Long

(Spend some much needed time alone with your thoughts and your reflections in some fancy hotel out there. In photo: the IHC Mughal in India)

5) Feel great with gratefulness

If you need to write down your blessings just to be aware of how bountiful your life is, do it. Just thinking about it alone will already have you preoccupied, putting your worries at ease.

6) Strip off your guilt

A car without gas is of no use to anyone. Just as you make time for work and family, quit the bad habit of feeling guilty to make time for yourself.

7) Get lost and find yourself

Nearly anyone who has ever traveled has returned forever changed: awakened, inspired, blessed and motivated to go beyond comfort zones!


(Remind yourself of what genuine calmness is like at the lookout point going to Kayangan Lake in Coron)